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Wang Xia, a 55-year-old woman from Bijie, Guizhou Province, just cycled (骑行) from Dali to Lhasa this May. It took her 24 days to finish the great trip.

In 2013, Wang started to do sports. Mostly she went hiking (徒步) or running. Four years later, she fell in love with cycling and bought a mountain bike. She often went cycling with her friends. Her first long-distance (远距离) ride happened in May 2018. She successfully cycled from Chengdu to Dunhuang with her friends. By now, she has finished five long-distance rides. Before Wang starts every long-distance ride, she does a lot of exercise for about two months.

When cycling, Wang met many problems. For example, she rode from Gansu to Xinjiang in 2019. The road conditions (条件) were bad and it was hard for her to find places to eat and stay. But that didn't stop her from cycling.

Cycling has greatly improved Wang's health. In the past, she was in bad health and easily caught a cold (感冒) every winter, but now she hardly does.

Wang's plan for the future is to live well and healthily and do what she likes. "I hope to ride to more places and see our country's beautiful mountains and rivers,"said Wang.

Information about Wang Xia



In 2013

She started to .


She fell in love with cycling.

In 2018

She finished her .

In 2019

She rode from Gansu to Xinjiang.

In 2022

She spent cycling from Dali to Lhasa.

In the future

She will live and do what she likes.
