组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

It is said that we are made of everything that surrounds us, which affects you in every possible way, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The surrounding things and people who have more good power will affect you in a positive way.Here are a list of things that you can do to improve your surroundings and meanwhile improve your emotional and mental health.

Redecorate a little

It's important to decorate (装饰) your own personal space again. You can change old furniture in your room and decide what to include in the working areas where you spend most of your time.

Include lots of colours

To make your surroundings more cheerful and exciting, the best thing you can do is add a lot of colours to your home. You can select a new colour for your walls.These small things can greatly affect your environment and, in turn, your feelings.

Throw out useless/broken things

Now, change is not only about adding in but also separating yourself from the worn-out or unnecessary things. They do gather a lot of negativity into them. The clustering of objects creates a depressing kind of atmosphere surrounding you.You will immediately feel more organized and refreshed.

Add vigor and vitality (生机)

Therefore, it's a wonderful idea to include some indoor plants into your home to add some positive atmosphere to it. Not only can green plants and flowers purify the air, but they can bring luck into your life. They are really like one of the best investments you can make in your health and mental peace.

A. You can shop for beautiful paintings or bed sheets.

B. Greenery and flowers will brighten everyone's life.

C. Therefore, it is important that you choose them with great care.

D. So it is highly recommended that you put them out of your home.

E. By making minor changes in your behavior, you'll get excellent results.

F. Once you do this, you'll notice the difference in your feelings as you step in.

G. Some things have the negative energy reducing the positivity and happiness.
