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Casey and John, a young couple, had been driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour nightmare began. They expected the road trip to1five hours, but a massive snowstorm led to ice related accidents, and the state closed a 50-mile stretch of the2for safety reasons.

With traffic3and no clear information on when the highway would reopen, some drivers abandoned their cars and set out on foot. Others, like Casey and Joe, turned off the4to save gas and seated themselves in their vehicles. They tried their best to stay5.

A cold night in hunger and little sleep left them feeling6. After 21 hours of suffering, Casey noticed a bread delivery truck among the waiting vehicles. On a sudden inspiration, she7Schmidt Baking Company, the owner of the truck. She left a8on the company' s customer service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers. She didn't know if they would take her request9, but she wanted to try.

Her idea worked. Incredibly, Schmidt CEO Chuck10returned Casey's call within 20 minutes. He asked her to hand her phone to the company truck driver, Ron, and then directed Ron to11loaves of bread to the people on the highway. Chuck said he was12to offer any help he could.

Casey, John and Ron were excited to pass out the bread along the13highway to as many people as possible. Among those to14the food were elderly passengers and families with children. They all felt incredibly thankful for the offering of food and some15after so many hours waiting in the cold.
