组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Jimmy Gilleece owns a bar in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. He is a person who knew how to lend a hand, but what people around him did not know was that this man was also capable of going the extra mile just to help someone in need.

It was a regular day at his bar, which turned out to be a day that would change his life forever. He found out that one of his customers had lost her wallet at the bar, and inside it was a precious thing: the lady's wedding ring.

Jimmy instantly recognized the woman's panic. She wanted to get her wedding ring back. She was crazy, really upset about it. And so, the bar owner made sure to provide whatever help he could to find the woman's ring. He even made it his mission to find the woman's wedding ring.

Then Jimmy's mission began. In order to find out what exactly happened, Jimmy started a thorough scan of the security cameras in his establishment. He watched three hours' worth of security footage from six cameras, scanning every detail and closely analyzing what happened that led to the loss of the woman's wallet.

In one of the recorded clips(片段), Jimmy finally saw that the woman lost her wallet on a bench outside the bar, with a suspicious man walking nearby. A few moments later, the man approached the bench and took the woman's wallet.

So searching for the thief was Jimmy's next move. It was not enough for Jimmy to find out what happened to the lost wallet. Now that he had an image of the thief, the bar owner made it his next mission to search for the guy and get the wallet back from him.

Jimmy figured out who the guy was and made him admit what he did to the wallet. The thief admitted that he took the cash and dropped the wallet into an ocean channel. At this point, most people would probably stop and regretfully tell the lady that the wallet couldn't be found anymore.




But Jimmy was not like most people.

And indeed, Jimmy also extended help not only to the woman but also to the thief who took the wallet.
