组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you know how to have a good relationship? There are some tips of successful relationships.

Communicate. Communication is the important part of every good relationship. When you first start seeing one another, it may be all about body, but long relationships need love and communication.

Listen. Listening is as important as talking. Listen to what your partner is telling you in words. And "listen" to his or her body language.

Share goals. What do you want to be in a year? In 5 years? Having shared goals is a key to how to have a good relationship.

Common (共同的) activities. You should do some things together. Do you both like hiking, playing, or singing? Common activities can allow you to spend time doing things together.

Give space (空间). How to have a good relationship needs that you give your partner space to pursue (追求) his or her interests too.

Learn to take. Some people are more comfortable (舒服的) with giving than taking. Don'tbe afraid oftaking those things which your partner gives.
