组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: I'm a reporter from CCTV. ?

B: Sure! Go ahead, please.

A: Is your life different from the past after the implementation (实施) of the Double Reduction Policy (双减政策)?

B: Yeah! Great changes have taken place in my life. .

A: How many hours do you take exercise?

B: Two hours. We practice running, play basketball and so on every day.

A: ?

B: No. We're not allowed to go to after-school classes any longer.

A: ?

B: At first, they worried about my study. Gradually, they also changed their opinions. Now they think I can study well without going to after-school classes.

A: ?

B: It's busy but happy. I like it very much.

A: Thank you!

B: You're welcome!
