组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

Every morning, I am always training in a gym. At the same time, there is another man taking exercise, too. A few weeks ago, I was watching him do chin-ups. I had never tried a chin-up before, but he made it look so easy, so I came up to him and asked if I could try it. He agreed and let me have a try on the bar(棒).

I pulled myself up without thinking. Once… and then twice. Then I told him I couldn't do it any more, so he stood up behind me and pushed me up for a third and fourth "pull". It felt so good.

The next day I asked him to let me try again. Again, I did two. And I couldn't do more than that on Day 3 and Day 4. I thought it was a great pity. When I came to the gym at the end of the week, he told me I did a wonderful job. He said when they were training firefighters, the men had to do five chin-ups, and the women should do one or two. Most people couldn't do them at all, so he was surprised that I could. Then, he told me that if I practiced every day, I would be able to do five or six very soon.

In fact, I am already 50 years old… and a woman. If he had told me how difficult it was at the very beginning, I would probably not try at all. Or I might try, but I would not try my best, because it would surely end with giving up.

I thanked him for letting me believe that success was not only a possible thing but a dream that could really come true one day.
