组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hello, everyone. I' m John. I' m a student. Let me say something about myself.

Peter is my grandpa and Alice is my grandma. They are old but healthy. Sam is my father. Helen is my mother. Both of them are teachers. I have a little sister. She is a baby.

It's nice. I like it very much. And my book, dictionary, pencil box and notebook are all in it.

Today I am very happy with my parents. My parents cook the dinner for me. A fish, some chicken, and some other Chinese dishes are on the table. A birthday cake for me is also on it.

For breakfast, I always eat an apple. For lunch, I usually eat some vegetables. For dinner, I like to have carrot soup. After dinner, I always eat a banana. I eat well so I am healthy.

There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are nice. Many people go there every day.

A. A happy birthday dinner

В. A nice clothes store

C. Don't eat too much meat

D. My big family

E. Eat healthy food

F. My beautiful schoolbag
