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The TV host invites three guests (James Smith, Vincent Brown, and Julie Archer) to News that Matters to discuss the questionwe should choose the economy or the environment. The three have different opinions as follows.

James Smith, a local resident, protestsheavy industry. In his hometown the air used to be fresh, the grass green, and the water clear, things became entirely different after heavy industry factories(move) in. The river is dirty and smelly. The sky isn't blue. He has even got a cough that he can't get rid of. For health and safety reasons alone, he thinks heavy industry has to go.

However Vincent Brown. a senior manager doesn't agree with Smiths opinion In(defend) of factories, he says they are responsible businessmen anthey have taken a lot of measures(reduce) pollution in the production process the fact that production costs are raised. Besides, they have created many jobs for local residents and helped the city's economy grow.

Julie Archer, an environmental protection expert, says that there are indeed conflicts between environmental protection and economic growth However, if people try to work hand in hand with factories and the government, a balance between the environment and development can(achieve) Everyone can help by following the golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle. The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparableis our duty to protect our environment while aiming for economic development.
