组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Carol, what happened? Why are you so upset?

B: Er…Linda, you know what? The moment I turned on TV, I got the bad news that Grandpa Yuan left us forever. It really saddens me.

A: YouDr. Yuan Longping? I also watched the news. He passed away yesterday in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province. It rained heavily, but many people still ran along the street trying to see himfor a longer time. Tears ran down their faces with the rain.

B: Grandpa Yuan is reallythe respect shown by these people. Thanks to his research, we have more tools to fight againstaround the world. He is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" (杂交水稻之父) by the Chinese.

A: Do you know why Grandpa kept on researching rice?

B: Maybe it hasto do with his experience. How to get enough to eat used to be a serious problem in China. Dr. Yuan said he saw people die due to the lack of rice when he was young, and that made him decide to increase food production.

A: Wow, Grandpa Yuan is really a great man!he did saved China. China has always paid much attention to its food problems. It knows that its population is ever-increasing while the usable land is ever-decreasing. It doesn't produce enough, so the country ison international imports (进口).

B: It's Grandpa that changed the terrible situation. That's why he was awarded the World Food Prize in 2004. In 2019, he was awarded the Medal of the Republic (共和国勋章), the country's highest honor, for histo China's food security (粮食安全) and scientific development of agriculture.

A: He really did a lot for our country and even for the world!

B: So he did. But for me, he is more a kind and easygoing neighbor than a scientist.

A: Oh, why do you say that?

B: Like our common people, he liked swimming, playing sports as well as playing mah-jong with his neighbors. What's more, it's unbelievable that Dr. Yuanis good at English. Actually, he spoke English when he was interviewed by CGTN and foreign reporters.

A: Really? It seems that you know so much about our Grandpa Yuan.

B: Of course, he is my idol (偶像). He is anto me and his spirit encouraged me to study hard and be a useful person for the society like him

A: Fighting! I believe you can!
