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According to the history, Chinese silk reached Rome before the time of Christ. Through the Silk Road, the Chinese culture(introduce) to the Western countries and at the same time the Western culture came to the East.

As is(know) to all, the Silk Road is a chapter(record) the friendship between the European and Asian peoples. With a history of more than 2, 000 years, the Silk Road in China can date backthe Han dynasty in ancient China. Though the Silk Road was mainlytrading route, it was(benefit) to each other in the first place. In the following years in history, many great figures had made significant contributions to the development of the Silk Road. Today, the ancient Silk Road is more like a historical textbook for everyone to read and to learnhappened during ancient times. It(actual) played a significant role in the development of the civilization of the world, opening long-distance political and economic(communicate) between Europe and Asia.

Up to now, the Silk Road in China(bring) great attraction to the tourism in China even in the world.
