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Why do animals migrate or move? They do so to find a place that will offer better living conditions. Not all animals migrate, but those that migrate are attempting to help the survival of their species. There are a variety of reasons why animals leave. Some migrate to avoid weather changes. Some leave because of the food supply. Unlike humans  who migrate because of relationships, job changes, or other social reasons, animals migrate to survive.

There are different types of migration, but one of the most interesting is the seasonal migration. In seasonal migrations, animals move twice a year. These movements usually occur due to changes in the seasons or in the weather. For example, some birds migrate away from colder regions to warmer weather and then come back to a place once the colder weather has passed.

How do animals know when it is time to migrate? Some animals do not leave until the environment changes and becomes a place that is not favorable for them to live. Other animals seem to have inborn systems that tell them when it is time to leave.

Animals that migrate use many different ways to successfully reach their destinations. Scientists believe animals' senses play a huge role in helping them find their way. For example, salmon(三文鱼)are thought to recognize specific smells that help them. Others are thought to  use even the sun, moon, and stars to help guide them on their journeys. Although the animals use different methods to migrate, one thing is the same: migration remains an important journey for the survival of many of Earth's most amazing species.
