组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On that Saturday afternoon, the Harpers and Aunt Polly's family went into mourning (哀悼). The village was unusually quiet. The villagers talked little but sighed (叹息) often. Children had no heart in sports and gave them up. People were sad to know that Tom, Joe and Huck were drowned (淹死).

In the afternoon, Becky found herself walking around the yard and feeling very sad. She said to herself, "I haven't got anything to remember Tom by. He's gone now. I'll never, never see him any more."

Then there was a debate about who saw the dead boys last in life. Many said they did and offered evidence. When it was finally decided who saw the dead boys last, the lucky ones took upon themselves some self-importance.

The next morning, when the bell began to toll (鸣钟), the villagers got together in the church. No one could remember when the little church had been so full before. Aunt Polly entered. She was followed by Sid and Mary and by the Harper family. They were all in deep black. As the funeral continued, people felt sorry that they did not treat the boys well before. They only saw faults (缺点) in them. People gave way to their feelings and cried.

A moment later, the church door opened slowly. People raised their eyes above handkerchiefs and they were surprised. They saw Tom, Joe and Huck—the three dead boys—walk into the church! They had been hiding and listening to their own funeral!

Aunt Polly, Mary and the Harpers threw themselves upon their children and kissed them again and again. Tom got hundreds of kisses that day. Before this, he didn't know he was loved by so many people.
