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China's famous museums include ancient buildings and world class modernmuseums with big collections. They are excellent places for sightseeing andlearning about China.

Sanxingdui Museum

The museum is on the path less beaten by tourists, but it makes one ofthe top museums for the 3,400-year-old artworks. If you're an ancient historyfan, this place will attract you. If you love art, its style will surprise youa lot.

The Palace Museum

The museum is one of the largest old buildings kept in the country witha history of 600 years old.

Built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty between 1406 and 1420, it wasthe home of 24 rulers and their courts. It is one of the fines buildings inChina and a good place to study Chinese history.

The Shanghai Museum

The big modern museum is popular with foreign tourists. It is probablythe most modern museum with the focus on creative art displays about thehistory of the whole area. Most famous for its huge collection of china, it isin People's Square which is also a popular tourist attraction.

The Shaanxi History Museum

Since 14 historical dynasties founded their capitals and developed inShaanxi Province, the museum may have the oldest treasure of all museums inChina. The artworks show the greatness of the museum, and the displays aremodern and well laid out.
