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How to Cheer up Your Friend

The following tips will make your friend cheer up. Try one or more ofthe suggestions below, and hopefully your friend will be happy again in notime.

. If your friend isangry about a situation at work, help her see the positive side of things. Hearout her problem before reacting (回应). But try to help her asking questions such as, "What things canyou do to make the situation better?" or "What's been happening atwork lately that's been good?"

Send her a card or postcard. Not many peopleget handwritten notes any more. It's so rare (稀少的), in fact, that it's certain to put a smile on her face. Drop a note inthe mail to her .

Build up her self-esteem (自尊). Everyone needs to hear they are smart, strong, and beautiful sometimes. , as they canhelp her build confidence and self-esteem. Try to make your praise unique. tothe person, so she knows you truly mean what you say.

Try out new things together. True happiness isin part about the adventure. It may mean you may need to step outside of what'scomfortable and try something new. If you want your friends to be happy,encourage them to try new things with you.

Bring her one of her favorite treats. . Maybe she can't live without anafternoon coffee, or maybe she has a special love for black forest cake.Surprise her by bringing one of them to her when you know she's having a roughday.

A. Encourage your friend

B. Help her to see the positive side

C. You know what your friend likes

D. In turn, discover new things you love

E. Don't be afraid to tell your friend these things

F. Similarly, your happiness will affect your friends

G. If you include one with a funny card, that's better
