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Five years ago, a friend asked me to look after his cat while hewent on holiday, and I realized the idea had potential on a bigger scale. So Imoved to London and decided to1 cat sitting.

For me, cat sitting is about2two groups of people who need what the other can offer. I getto stay in people's 3without rent while they're on holiday. The owners get4cat sitting. It also means that there issomeone to keep an eye on their homes while they are away. It seems a fairer 5than just watering plants or walkingdogs—I'm more of a cat person.

I have alwaysloved cats, and their gentle temper makes them ideal6for someone working from home. Cats have such differentpersonalities, so it's not surprising that I7morewith some than others. An owner once told me not to8hercat to sit on me, as it had happened only once. But just four days later, thecat came over and sat on my lap. I sent her a photo!

Cat sitting helps me with my9anxiety disorder, too. Iwant to be around people, but sometimes I can't. Sometimes, this anxiety even10mefrom leaving the house. But since becoming a cat sitter my mental health has11Havingmy own12gives me the power to plan my day. I canrecharge when I need to and can go out and meet people when I want. The catshave13helped.

Now I have stayed in 25 houses,1430cats and saved more than 10,000 pounds that would have gone on15Oneday I want to save up for a flat so I can have a cat of my own.
