组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

At20, I was scared and lonely. My laptop was filled with the beginning of novels,half­finished song lyrics(歌词)—things I'd startedwith teenage 1 only to be disappointed by my lack ofcreativity. I was 2 trying to find a new way to approach life,with no one to 3 mein the right direction.

OneSaturday, I went to a training day for my school's new journalism team. Theteacher suggested I start a blog as a good way to get into 4.Bored and in need of a 5, I immediately set up a Blogger account.

AsI typed post after post in the months that followed, I assumed I would run outof 6. But somehow writing about the news and,later, about 7, came easily. Here was somethinginteresting that required only a laptop and an 8.I loved the research that went into each post, loved being able to 9 what interested me and loved finding just theright phrase to describe how I 10. I found something I was good at andmore importantly, something I 11.

Ikept posting and slowly I got better. I 12,edited and even learned how to employ a metaphor. It wasn't long until my mindwas made up: I was going to be a(n) 13.

Sevenyears later, I am. Having just completed a fantastic placement(实习) in a local newspaper, I have never been so 14 to my younger self for actually listening tothe one piece of advice that turned out to 15 most.
