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Hometo the headwaters of the Yangtze, Yellow, and Lancang rivers, the Sanjiangyuanarea on the Qinghai­Tibet Plateau(青藏高原) is known as "China'swater tower". It is a (whole) unique plateau wetland ecosystem andserves as important ecological defense for the country.

Decadesago, serious environmental degradation(恶化) in Sanjiangyuan, was caused by climate change and human activities, resulted in a largenumber of lakes drying out and wildlife numbers falling sharply. In 2016, thepilot program for the Sanjiangyuan National Park management system(launch). Through painstaking practice, development and innovation, effortshave been made (turn) the park into a symbol of the progress of China'secological civilization.

Overthe past years, the ecological environment of the Qinghai­Tibet Plateau(experience) comprehensive changes. Water conservation in the area hasrisen 11 percent every year, compared with 10 years ago.

Localresidents enjoy the gifts given by nature, and the (establish) of thenational park has enabled them to transform from exploiting(开发) nature to becoming its protectors and benefiting from it. Somework as tour guides, (assist) visitors from home and abroad.

Today,as people walk on the vast land of Sanjiangyuan, looking at the expansivemountains, glaciers, lakes and pastures, catching sight of wild animalsand birds, they cannot help but be impressed by the vastness and beauty ofnature.
