组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
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On Saturday, we gathered at the hall to witness the award ceremony for the senior scouts(童子军). Receiving an award on such a day was a great honor for any scout, and all desired to be the scout selected to give the summary of the year's activities for the association.

I was not the one selected to give the summary and for that, I was grateful. I could hardly stand in front of a large crowd to make a speech, but Sean could. He was selected to do the honor because he was the President of the Boy Scouts for schools. My job was much simpler. Being the Vice­President, I was very much behind the scenes, content to ensure that everything was in smooth running order.

It was an hour to go before the ceremony began, and I had put the finishing touches to the stage. Walking down the stage, I saw my teammates in a state of panic. When they saw me, they ran to me to tell me that Sean met with a traffic accident and would not make it to the award ceremony. Someone else had to give the summary. All of them looked hopefully at me, and I could feel my knees beginning to collapse.

All their arguments against my unwillingness were valid. I had a copy of the speech as well as the benefit of having seen Sean rehearse(排练) it. I was the Vice­President and therefore should take his place. Finally, I was firmly told not to decline any longer and they said that they were convinced that I would do the right thing. I sank down onto the floor, totally shocked by the situation.

I knew I was not a confident speaker, and the thought of presenting a summary in front of so many distinguished guests horrified me. To think that the fame of the scouts would take a beating because of me! The burden of responsibility troubled me greatly.




But there was really no way out of the situation.

As I stood on the stage, my heart beat violently.
