组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A few weeks ago, Catherine asked Thomas, her 7-year-old son, what he might want to do when he grows up. Thomas said he wanted to either1A dog hotel or be a Legodesigner (乐高设计师). Unlike her, though, Thomas was proactive (积极主动).

The next day, he 2 with a letter, written in his "best hand writing", asking Lego if he could work for them. He wisely shared that he'd be 3 to help with designing Legos after school, on weekends, and in the holidays—and that his sister would like to do the same. His mom put the letter in the mail but also tried to lower his 4. She told Thomas that while Lego would appreciate (欣赏) his letter, the company 5 wouldn't reply. Thomas looked quite sad.

Then a package 6 from Christian Pau, the vice president of Lego U.K. Inside was a Lego kit (套装) and a handwritten letter that 7:

Dear Thomas,

Thank you so much for your letter. It is great to see how 8 you are for Lego building and your creations look fantastic!

We would love your help to design even better products, but 9All our product designers are sittingin Denmark. We would still love to 10 you to visit us in our Slough office (together with your sister and parents) or a juice.

My office is called "Dumbledore's Office". Let usknow what time 11 for you!

All the best,


Thomas' face 12 with pride at the beautiful letter. Catherine said, "It is something I won't forget and 13 will Thomas. Thank you... for making my son see that it's always worth (值得) 14."

People may forget what you say or do, but they will never forget how you make them 15.
