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Farming has always been a countryside thing. But now, farms are coming to the balconies (阳台) of city apartments.

According to a report by Alibaba, sales of vegetable seeds (种子) on TMall in 2022 doubled (增加一倍) compared with in 2021. Sales of things like nutrient-rich soil and gardening tools improves since April of last year. Most buyers were born after 1995.

Zhang Chao, 17, from Anhui province, is one young "farmer". He said his love for planting was formed (形成) in primary school, when he lived with his grandpa in the countryside. He learned to grow vegetables from his grandpa. Though farming takes hard work, Zhang said he felt happy when he saw seeds turn into plants.

Now Zhang still keeps up his hobby with a balcony garden. He grows strawberries and tomatoes.

"Growing fruits and vegetables not only brings delicious food, but it also helps me think of the happy times with my grandpa," said Zhang.

Unlike Zhang, Fang Minke from Shenzhen thinks that planting a garden is a good way to relax and develop patience. With lots of schoolwork, the 16 -year-old girl sometimes feels unhappy. To help put some spark back in life, she started planting vegetables on her balcony in 2021. Most of the seeds were from friends. She plants them and waits patiently. After half a year, her balcony becomes a small garden, full of different flowers and vegetables.

After she spends long hours on homework, she likes to walk around her balcony garden. "Seeing the beautiful colors and breathing fresh air, I feel closer to nature and refreshed," Fang said. Planting vegetables is now more than just a way to make a living. It also brings joy to young people's lives.
