组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

While the Internet has guaranteed the place of English as the most used language, Chinese still holds the top position as the most used mother tongue. Since Shang dynasty, Chinese people (use)a complete system of characters. One of the great advantages of using one single writing system is that people speak different dialects can understand each other's writing. Therefore, communication can go on many troubles. People in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan still write traditional Chinese characters, while people on Mainland China use (simplify) Chinese characters, but it does not pose much (difficult) in recognizingthe characters. Some scholars believe that Chinese characters are one of the important (factor) that keep South and North China unbroken for very long time. Some scholars even consider Chinese characters (be) the Fifth Great Invention of Ancient China, alongside the other Four Great Inventions, which are paper, the compass, gunpowder and movable typography. Though pronunciation marks are (slight) different, Chinese characters (adopt) in other languages in ancient time, which indicates China's cultural influence on these countries since ancient times, especially during the Tang and the Song dynasties.
