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Guangzhou is a beautiful city in the south of China.

1spring comes, the weather becomes warm in Guangzhou. It is often 2and cloudy. In March and April, there is 3rain lasting for a long time.

Summer is quite long and hot. The 4months are July and August. During summer, bad weather such as storm and typhoon(台风) 5very often. So it's important 6raincoats and umbrellas.

Autumn in Guangzhou is short. 7lasts from October to early December. The weather is sunny and cool 8little rain. Many tourists go to Guangzhou because it's the best season of the year.

Winter lasts from December to early March. It is a little cold, 9it seldom snows. Different 10cities in North China, Guangzhou becomes a world of flowers in January. You can see flower markets here and there.
