组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Jake has a pet shop. There are all kinds of dogs, cats, birds and fish in his shop.

Last week, Mrs. Hinson 1 into Jake's shop. She wanted to have a pet 2 she didn't like living alone. Jake showed her 3parrot.

"Her name's Zoe," Jake told Mrs. Hinson. "And she's very good at learning new languages. She can talk 4you so you won't feel lonely. "

Mrs. Hinson left happily with Zoe. This morning, however, she brought Zoe back to Jake's shop and shouted, "I 5stand(忍受)her anymore! Take her back!"

"What is wrong?" Jake asked and looked at Zoe. The bird stayed 6and didn't say anything. Mrs. Hinson was still very angry. "Zoe is not polite," she told Jake. "She always talks 7 than me. And she loves swearing(骂人)!"

"Would you mind not 8 that?" Zoe said at the moment. "I was polite before you brought me home. It's all because of you!"

Mrs. Hinson got really 9 at these words. She argued (争吵)with Zoe right away and Zoe fought back. They argued with one 10and didn't stop.

"It's really a bad idea to let Mrs. Hinson keep a parrot," Jake thought.
