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Shanghai, one of the largest cities in China and also one of the 1 cities in Asia, had more than 24 million people. Shanghai is often 2 China's business center and is also one of the busiest shipping centers in the world. Shanghai is popular 3 tourists because it is a great mix of the 4 and the new sides of China. Visitors often go to the Bund, Yuyuan Garden and many 5 beautiful and famous places. Shanghai is also a city that attracts many Chinese 6 people who want to make a living there and also 7 their dreams. As an international and modern city, it provides young people 8 many opportunities to develop successful careers. However, 9 many people live in Shanghai, life there can be very challenging. Traffic jams, expensive housing, the high cost of living and air pollution are just a few of the problems that people living and working in Shanghai must 10.
