组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

For most people, life has become burden on their shoulders, and its weight is growing heavier and heavier, until one day they can't carry it anymore. So how can we design a life that is less complex and more meaningful? The answer might be minimalism (极简主义).  The following ways will assist you in your journey to live a simpler yet fuller life.

Most people's living space is filled with things that are never used and don't contribute to their well-being. Separate the ones you do need from the ones you don't, and throw the latter right into the dustbin — or better, give them away to people who might actually benefit from them.

Appreciate all the amazing things you already have. We constantly compare ourselves to others who seem happier, more beautiful and more important than us. We try our best to imitate those we envy.  We need to stop comparing and accept ourselves for who we are, with all our imperfections. Take a moment to appreciate what you have.

Do one thing at a time. Minimalist living actually means making the most out of each and every moment. We're usually carrying out different tasks at the same time.  Stop multitasking and concentrate on a single thing at a time.

Develop mindfulness.  Thus you need to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness means fully attending to what's happening in the present. There are many ways one can do so. Perhaps the most common way is to sit for about 30 minutes somewhere comfortably with your upper back straight and pay full attention to your breath as it's coming in and out through your nose. In this way, you won't be distracted by your thoughts.

A. It is about enjoying life more with less.

B. Stop consuming products you don't need.

C. Yet no matter how much we try, we always fail.

D. Get rid of things that don't serve your happiness.

E. Minimalist living requires a calm and undisturbed mind.

F. Unfortunately, our minds are filled with worries in our busy lives.

G. So whatever we are doing, our mind is partly wondering somewhere else.
