组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Jasmine lived on a small farm with her parents and her sister Grace. They were poor and made a living selling animals, but they treated the creatures very kindly. Jasmine was quite a help to her parents. She loved riding horses and caring for them. Of all the horses, Madeline was her favorite. She was a white horse with beautiful locks of golden hair. She was the swiftest horse in the stable. Jasmine always dreamt of riding Madeline in a race and winning it.

Life was harder for the poor family recently because losses had occurred in the business. All they could do to support their daily life was to sell a horse. Jasmine was not at all happy with this idea. She thought about what to do for a long time, to see if she could come up with an alternative solution.

One day, she saw an advertisement in the local newspaper for a horse race. The winner of the race would get $1,000! She thought that she and Madeline could enter the race. She told Grace about her idea and Grace was also happy with it. They went to the race organizer and added Madeline's name to the list of horses running in the race. He told them that the race was in eleven days' time.

The next day, during a routine check, the two girls found Madeline seemed to have lost the color from her face. "She looks pale and unwell," Grace said, with a worried look. She began stroking her mane (鬃毛). "You're right, Grace. Go and call mother while I get Madeline some water," said Jasmine. Grace ran off to inform their mother. Meanwhile, Madeline was getting paler. Grace returned shortly with their mother, who phoned a vet immediately. The vet came quickly and after checking Madeline over, said that she was ill. The whole family was very worried as Madeline's health continued to get worse. She would hardly eat anything. Madeline's situation broke Jasmine's heart. Her only wish was that Madeline would soon get better.




Whenever Jasmine had time, she went to check on Madeline and take care of her.


On the day of the race, Jasmine headed to the race course with Madeline.
