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Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft (载人航天飞船) went to space (太空) successfully on October 16, 2021. Three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu were taken to space. They will stay in space for six months. It is the eighth time for Chinese to visit space after Yang Liwei went as the first Chinese 19 years ago. These special "visitors" can take fantastic photos in space, just like taking trips there. Can common people go to visit space like them? The answer is "yes".

On September 15, Space X sent four common people into space. The four spent three days in space. Just two months ago, in July, 70-year-old British billionaire (亿万富翁) Richard Branson, and 57-year-old American billionaire Jeff Bezos, both flew into space. But some think these trips are for the super rich. With the sky-high prices, most common people should give up their space dreams. However, US flight engineer Bobak Ferdowsi believes the price will come down. "Maybe in 10 to 15 years, it's a decision between 'do I buy a new car, or do I go to space?' "

Anyway, even we can't have a space trip now, we'll be able to have a science class from space. The woman astronaut Wang Yaping will be the space teacher to give us such a lesson just as she did nine years ago. That will be great fun. We will also be able to enjoy a space movie. A Russian film team stayed on the International Space Station from Oct 5 to 16 to film the movie Challenge. It's the first time a movie was filmed in space.
