组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Today in China, many families have only one child. Gradually some of them get used to 1 their parents and family members, as a result, they lack the ability to face their lives by themselves.

There are some ways to help children to be 2. First, the child should have a chance to see the world around him to understand that there are 3 people and competitions in their lives, and learn to find his right position in the society. Second, it is impossible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once. The children need 4 from their families. Without any help, the child may lose his faith. Thirdly, parents can help their children make their own decisions. A child should be praised when he is successful or encouraged when he fails.

To be independent is good for the children, 5 no parents can go with their children for the whole life. Only an independent person can live and enjoy a full and meaningful life.
