组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Good advice can help people make better decisions. When someoneyou for advice, you should take it seriously and try your best to give good advice.

There are somefor you to give good advice. Listen to the person asking you for advice. Every situation is special, sothink you know all about a problem. Listen to the person who wants advice, and learn as much as possible about the situation.

Putin others' shoes. Think about what you will do if you are in the same situation. Don't juston your experiences to give advice.

Think about the results of taking and not taking your advice. When, think twice about all the possible results. This is more importantreally difficult problems.

Understand that the person may not take your advice. Someone asks for your advice,he or she may not take it. Don't be surprised. When you give advice, the idea is to give someone the tools to make their own decision, not to make the decision for them.
