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The Sequoia National Park in California's southern Sierra Nevada mountains is best known for the Giant Forest, a collection of 2,000 trees that includes half of the Earth's largest and longest-living trees. This past weekend, the ancient wonders came dangerously close to being burned by the KNP Complex Fire. But thanks to resourceful firefighters, the precious treasure has been saved.

The fire personnel had taken the standard measures of clearing brush and setting controlled fires long before the fire began heading toward the Giant Forest. But they knew more needed to be done. On September 17, 2021, they took the unusual step of covering the base of some of the oldest trees with protective aluminum "blankets". High on the list was General Sherman, the world's largest tree by volume. The park officials believed the specialized foil (锡纸) would help block some of the heat from the flames and enhance the natural insulation (隔热) provided by the ancient trees' thick bark. They were right!

On Sunday, September 19, 2021, the officials reported that the extra prevention measures, which also included 24-hour timed sprinklers (洒水装置) on General Sherman and the nearby park buildings, had worked. Jack Owen, a spokesman for the KNP Complex Fire Information Office, said, "There are no trees that have been burned yet, as far as in the Giant Forest. Fire crews are pouring everything they can into it as long as it's safe. That area is looking good."

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the rest of the national park. The KNP Complex Fire has burned through 21,777 acres. Meanwhile, the Windy Fire, which started further south on the Sierra slopes on the same night, has burned over 21,598 acres. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and allow firefighters to gain control of the massive fires, which are now beginning to threaten nearby communities.
