Air pollution, global warming and overflowing landfills are the most serious environmental problems we are currently facing today.
The main cause of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels. Other human activities, such as construction and the burning of waste, also contribute to air pollution. The effects on our health can be very serious. You can easily contribute to (reduce) air pollution by using public transport.
Global warming (cause) by the build-up of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere. These trap the sun's heat and warm up the planet. Global warming has already caused wide range of problems.
Landfills are used for waste disposal in many countries around the world. However, due the amount of waste our lifestyles produce, these landfills are now reaching full capacity. When this happens, the chances of dangerous (chemical) in the waste entering our water supply increase. The amount of waste in landfills in China (rise) greatly over the last decade. The government is now trying to find alternative waste disposal methods. Apart from the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), some experts have begun advocating the fourth R — Responsibility. They believe , although recycling waste is effective, the most effective way of solving the problem of overflowing landfills (be) to encourage people (take) responsibility for reducing the waste they produce (they).