组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The four great inventions (发明): paper-making, printing, gunpowder and compass were great in old China. And now China is changing the world with its "new four great inventions": high-speed railways, e-payment, shared bikes and online shopping.

High-speed railways: You can go to most of the cities much faster than before. For example, it took you 8 hours to travel from Taiyuan to Beijing before, but now you can arrive in Beijing 5 hours earlier than before. By the end of 2016, there were 2, 595 high-speed trains running across China

E-payment: With Alipay, or Zhifubao, you can pay (支付) online in China. You can pay almost anywhere in your daily life by using your smart phones. You needn't carry any cash (现金). But you can't pay for things more than ¥20, 000 like a big house.

Shared bikes: Worried about how to get to school? Now you can ride a bike on the street just by using your smart phones. If there is a traffic restriction, going on a bike is a good choice. It makes your bodies strong and healthy.

Online shopping: With China's online shopping services, life is getting easier for people who like to stay at home. It's easy to order food on an app. And the food arrives quickly. People can also buy clothes, books and electric products and things for daily use online cheaply.
