组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Millionaire Peter became blind because of an illness. The doctor told him that only by having a cornea transplant surgery (眼角膜移植手术) could he1his sight. Peter offered a large amount of money for the cornea, but he didn't get any 2.

 Because Peter was too proud of his 3 and had done many unkind things, he had a bad reputation. So as soon as donors (捐赠者) heard his name, all of them4.

 At first Peter got 5easily because of his wealth, but later, he had nothing to do but wait quietly.

 One day, Peter6 his way to the little square before the hospital. He raised his head to enjoy the sunshine. However, he saw nothing but darkness. Just then, someone 7 him all of a sudden. Peter became annoyed, so he cried, "Don't you have 8? Don't you see who you hit? I'm millionaire Peter!"

 The answer was from a9, "Sorry, sir. Please forgive me!" Peter then said. "I can forgive you but you must chat with me!" The boy said yes. Peter nodded happily and his face10 with a smile. Peter asked, "Is the scene here beautiful?" The boy began describing it, "How beautiful! The green grass, the blue sky, and the beautiful flowers everywhere…"

 Peter began to11that boy as he was listening. 12 he became impatient, shouting toward the sky. "Oh, my God, the little boy is so poor, he has nothing but a pair of eyes! Why do you give him light?"

At this moment, a lady 13 Peter, "You are wrong! My son is too poor to have eyes. What he just said is what I told him!"14, Peter sat on the square, tears running down his face.

Since then, the city charity would 15 a large amount of money every year. The donor was the very millionaire named Peter.
