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The second experiment on how to grow crops on mimic (模拟的) Mars and Moon soil has given a surprising outcome (成果). The Wageningen UR researchers use the Mars and Moon soil provided by NASA. Mimic Mars soil comes from a volcano(火山) in Hawaii and the mimic Moon soil from an Arizonian desert. As a result of what the researchers of Wageningen University in the Netherlands learned from their first experiment, which was a failure, they were finally able to grow ten different crops. The tomatoes, peas, turnip, and cabbages have been harvested. The goal of the experiments is to provide the way of growing crops on Mars or on the Moon in order to feed the first settlers.

A few improvements have been made since the first experiment, though it isn't a success. Professor Wamelink says, "We used plates instead of small pots and added organic material (fresh cut grass) to the Mars and Moon soil. This is what we didn't do in the first experiment. This solved the problem we had with watering in the first experiment and also added manure (肥料) to the soil. " In the first Moon soil experiment most plants died; in the next round they flourished (茂盛), and the researchers could harvest from some species. It can be regarded as a great success when it is compared with the first one.

Although the Wageningen researchers harvested several crops, they did not eat them. Wamelink says, "The soil contains heavy metals. If heavy metals find their way into the crops, they will make them poisonous for human beings. Then further research on this is necessary because they need to make sure the final harvest must be harmless to human beings. The experiment should start in April next year with the growth of new crops including potatoes and beans. "

The soil experiment began in April and the final harvest took place in October. Plants were grown in a glass house under certain temperature and light conditions and under the earth atmosphere. "This is because we expect that first crop growth on Mars and the Moon will take place in underground rooms to protect the plants from the bad environment, " says Wamelink.
