组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Hi, Judy.

B: Hi, Dennis. I read an article about the invention of paper money.

A: Paper money?

B: In the 11th century in China. And the money was called "jiaozi".

A: What an interesting name!

B:From the book I learned Sweden issued(发行)the first European banknotes in 1661.

A: Really? It's much later than China. Chinesepeople are very great!

B: Yes.

A: Like what?

B: Paper, silk, acupuncture(针刺疗法), chopsticks and so on.

A: Wow! There are many inventions in China.

B: I also think so.

A. Who invented paper money?

B. What did you do this morning?

C. Today it is used less and less.

D. When and where was it first used?

E. They have greatly changed our life.

F. Then when was it issued in Europe?

G. Many things were invented by Chinese people.
