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How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day? Eight hours in the office and three hours in front of the TV after work is a normal condition for many office workers.

However, siting too much is not good for your health. What's the fact of that? A study showed the health of 123, 000 Americans between 1992 and 2006. The death rate (死亡率) for men who spent six hours or more a day sitting was about30% higher than that for men who sat for three hours or less. In other words,  ▲  .

So what can we do about it? Health experts suggest we spend more hours standing instead of sitting. The BBC and the University of Chester in the UK did a simple experiment(实验) with a small group of 10 people who usually spent most of the day sitting. They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day, Asa result, there were some great differences, the BBC reported on Oct. 16th.

What's more, standing while talking on the phone, going over to talk to a friend rather than sending an email, or simply taking a walk after eating lunch or dinner, will help.

Always remember that don't sit for too long and I believe if you try to make some changes, your life will be totally different.
