组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Adam was an English senior high student living in Liverpool. He thought he was cleverest student in his class.

One day, Adam wanted to see his uncle in London, so he bought a train from Liverpool to London. he got to the railway station, there were so many people. There were no seats in the carriage (车厢). Then Adam saw a man next to him. The man was selling toys. Adam suddenly had a good .

Adam bought a rubber (橡胶做的) snake and it into the carriage. All the passengers were very afraid when they saw the "snake". They all shouted help. People ran out of the carriage as quickly as . Adam saw several empty seats and lay down on one of . He soon fell asleep.

After an hour, Adam woke up. He found the train was not moving and thought it had stopped at a station. He asked a railway man, "Which station is it?" The railway man , "It is Liverpool. In fact, there was a snake in this carriage. So it was separated (隔离) and left behind here, the other carriages just left for London."
