组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Being a literary amateur, Tom was fond of drama, prose, poems full of rhythms and folk stories. So there were a string of versions of literature in his book shelf. He often created nursery rhymes, whose core centered on lively animals, such as billy goats, bulls, bees and butterflies. They were within children's , so they were easy to recite. His imagery of sorrow, grief and good moods attracted and nobles, who often corresponded with him. Tom's sister, Jane, was keen on various plants. At dawn she would appreciate blossoms, dewdrops on clovers and cherry blossoms. In spring, she would sow seeds,them to grow up. She was innocent and had great for the poor. So she organized a team, which was made up of ten adults, to oppose racial prejudice in this modern era. All in all, Tom and Jane were successful in their  fields.
