组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

It was a cold yet sunny Saturday morning in February. Dad's New Year'sresolutionhad been to get fit. Mum pushed him out of bed and told him to go jogging by the river. Later, after a nice lie-in, she went downstairs in her dressing gown and found thekidswatching TV. She turned it off and said she was going to do something really special for Dad'sbirthday. If they overheard anything, just promised to keep itsecret.

Jenny looked at Mum with a puzzled expression on her forehead and promised they wouldn't say anything whatever happened. But Jenny reminded Dad's birthday was in June and it might be a little too early to get all steamed up about it.

Silent for a moment, Mum said she was not getting everything ready but just wanted to spare enough time forpreparationas this year it's a bigger deal than usual. Dad was going to be 50.

"50! Gosh, that's half a century," spluttered Gerry. "I knew he was old, but I didn't realize he was ancient!"

Indeed, that was why Mum startedplanninga special party for him. Mum talked withgrandmaabout the plan because her house was the only one in the family that is spacious enough for all friends and relatives. Grandma quite agreed and also started preparing.

"But you know how Dad feelsguiltyto bother others. You've got to admit," reminded Jenny. Thinking over thespecialoccasion, Mum was continuing with her secret when one evening, Dad was sitting at the dinner table and he suddenly slapped his forehead, "I just realized that I am going to be 50 in June. Let's just quietly forget about it. I want to mourn (哀悼) the passing of myyouthin private."

"Oh, come on Dad, don't be such a spoil-sport!" begged the kids, hoping to give mum a hand.

Realizing no more chance to hide the secret, Mum carefully worded her thought and shared her plan of having a little party at grandma's house. Dad was stunned (震惊的) to no reply.





Paragraph 1:

Frustrated, Mum made a call to grandma.

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They got everything ready as planned when June finally came.
