组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Everyone thinks they're great listeners. But the truth is that hearing isn't necessarily listening, nor is it necessarily listening well. Listening is an art as well as a basic life skill that we are encouraged to practise and master.

●Don't interrupt

To master the art of listening, you need to stop any good thoughts that come to mind and let the person say everything they need to say. Often times people simply need someone to talk to, not someone who will cut in and give their own thoughts and opinions.

●Practice active listening.

To understand better in communication, you can first practice active listening. The art of listening isn't simply about staying quiet 100% of the time, it's also about asking questions, which are for clarification or for further explanation, so that you can fully understand what the speaker is telling you.You can also make noises that show you agree with what he person is saying such as "yes", ‘'yeah", and "okay."

About 60-75% of our communication is accomplished without speaking. In order to know whether to encourage the speaker, or to open yourself more, it's essential to know what the person's body is saying. Do they display signs of discomfort? Are they cautious about you? Their body language tells a lot.

●Create a suitable environment.

It can be difficult to listen to another person when the TV is screaming, your phone is buzzing and there are thousands of cars passing by.Also, when you indicate it would be good to "find a quiet place," you put importance in the person and what they say, and then you show care and consideration.

A. Listen to non-verbal communication.

B. Let the person speak without interruption.

C. Listen without forming responses in your mind.

D. Here's how to bring the vital life skill into your daily existence.

E. Additionally, it's important to hold back your negative judgments.

F. Another great way to show your understanding is to respond by nodding.

G. When you remove the distractions and find a quiet place it's easier to listen attentively.
