组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Birthdays are typically the occasions for delight and feasting. Family andfriendsget together on the occasion and convey their regards with the beautifulpresentsthey bring with themselves. I am personally a big fan of birthdays and wait for mybirthdayapproximately a month prior to the day.

This year, my birthday came off on last Monday. I didn't know that myparentshad arranged aspecialparty for me. At eight o'clock in the evening of my lucky birthday, I was alone at home complaining and frowning, and pitying myself for my misfortune. I thought it was going to be a special day filled with presents andfun, but all Ireceivedwas a "Happy Birthday".

All of a sudden, the electricity was cut off and there was a complete darkness in the house. I couldn't do anything. Therefore, I decided to go to sleep and end this unlucky day.

Out of the blue in that quiet night, I heard a sudden noise coming from downstairs. Startled and terribly shocked, I suspected that someone broke into the house. Immediately, I tried to phone my parents, but no one answered.

After a couple of minutes of fear, I started to calm down. Although in the meantime I heard more noises of people talking, I summoned up some courage and started heading for the basement. As I slowly drew closer to the basement, I guessed there were more than one person, but I found it hard to believe. There couldn't be a lot of people in our basement!

Courageously, I opened the door of the basement. There was a complete darkness. There wasn't a single noise. However, as I approached, I heard some laughter and confirmed that there were people. Suddenly, the lights were on and there stood my parents and friendscheering atme with the beautiful presents they had carefully prepared for me. It was asurpriseparty! The room was beautifully decorated with colorful balloons. Tables and chairs were laid and covered with white and contrasting red sheets. A gigantic birthdaycakewas positioned on the innermost table.





Paragraph 1:

Now everything was ready and the party was set in motion.

Paragraph 2:

The partly was over and the guests began to head off.
