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Mr. Watson's store was widely known throughout the neighborhood. It sold many different things. Every day after school, Jess came to thestoreand he loved to look at the pipes (烟斗). One pipe especially caught his eye. He imagined that some day he would be a grown man and could smoke a pipe, just like this one. He did not remember his father, but he knew his dad smoked apipe.

Jess reached out and touched the pipe. He kept thinking that when he was old enough, he would go to work and hismothercould stay home. He would not have to wait three hours after school until she came home from her job. Oh, why? He wondered, did it take so long togrowup and take his father's place.

He looked around the store and put the bowl of the pipe in his hand. He just wanted to get the feel of it — nothing more. He was lost in hisdream, wishing he could be like his father.

Suddenly he was shocked out of his dream. He heard footsteps behind him. He turned around quickly. It was Mr. Watson, thefriendlystore owner. Jess was unable to move.

"Hello, Jess," Mr. Watson said, and kept on walking. Jess struggled to answer but could not get hisvoiceup. He swallowed and smiled weakly as Mr. Watsonwalkedaway. Jess's thoughts became unclear. Was he suspicious?

Suddenly the store seemed extremelywarm. Jess watched his feet begin to move and take him out of the store. He felt the cool air outside and it was good, yet, he felt an emptiness inside himself. Like one walking in his sleep, he moved toward the ground. He looked around and saw the empty swings. He slipped into one and leaned against its chain. The cold metal links hurt his side.

Sitting on the swing, he gave the ground a push with onefoot. A sharp pain caught him in the stomach. He knew it was the pipe he felt. He had walked out of the store with it.






Paragraph 1:

The sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time to go home.

Paragraph 2:

Looking at the long shadows of the trees coming towards him, Jess now knew what he had to do.




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