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A new study shows that the more people read any kind of fiction, the better their language skills are likely to be. The piece was written by. Sandra Martin-Chang of Concordia University in Canada, and her student Stephanie Kozak.

Martin-Chang and Kozak used a scale (量表) called the Predictors of Leisure Reading (PoLR) to investigate reading behaviours (motivations, attitudes and interests). They then examined how well the PoLR predicted the language skills of 200 undergraduate students, with all data gathered at York University in Toronto. The researchers note that the age range of the subjects in the study is of key interest. In early adulthood, reading becomes self-directed rather than forced by parents or teachers, which makes this a perfect time for developing one's own reading habits. This population is also rather understudied, with most existing research focusing far more on children.

The researchers administered a series of measures over two separate half-hour sessions. First, the volunteers completed the 48-question PoLR scale measuring various reading behaviours. They were then given language tests. The researchers found that people who enjoyed reading fiction for leisure and who identified themselves as readers scored higher on the language tests, while those who read to access specific information scored more poorly on the same tests.

The many benefits of reading have long been established. Besides having better language abilities, lifelong readers are known to be more understanding of others, attain higher socioeconomic status and even live longer, healthier lives than non-readers.

"Teachers and parents can develop a love of reading by letting young people read what they want, without guilt or shame. This established interest, wanting to read something over and over again, having a strong desire to read an entire series, feeling connected to characters and authors, these are all good things," Martin-Chang concludes.
