组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In the USA, the school bus is a popular way for children to get to school. There are about 480, 000 1 school buses in the country. In 1939, yellow became (成为) the color of school buses 2 the color helped warn (警告) 3 cars. A yellow bus and black letters on it are easy to 4 in the early morning

On the school bus, 5 can listen to music or just sleep. But they 6 put things in the aisle (过道). They should keep their hands and arms in the bus. It is not a good idea to 7 to the bus driver, because he/she can't drive 8 when he/she is talking.

These days, school buses are more popular in China, too.

Wang Li, a student from Chaoyang Middle School, 9 a school bus to school since September. It takes her about 40 minutes to get to school every morning. "It's a lot more interesting than taking the subway, because you sit with your classmates. 10 it saves (节省) a lot of time. So we all like the school bus. " the 12-year-old girl said.
