组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Li Tao and Li Gang are brothers. But their living habits(习惯) are different. Now let's go to Li Tao's room. Li Tao cleans his bedroom every day and puts his things away. Look! There is a computer on the desk. There are two footballs under the bed. A guitar and a kite are on the wall. Some books are on the shelf. So he must be acarefulboy. Now let's go to Li Gang's room. The room is not clean. There are some books on the floor. Can we see his clothes on the desk? Oh, yes. We can also see a football and a knife on the desk. Li Gang never does any cleaning. So his room is  in a mess(混乱).

What do you think of Li Tao and Li Gang? I think Li Tao is a good boy. Li Gang must learn from his brother.
