组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

After hearing "I wish I'd known this when I was in Senior 1!" countless times by the end of the school year, my senior 3 class decided to leave behind some real advice for newcomers in senior high..

Get a planner

If I didn't have a planner,. I had a hard copy planner, and writing down my homework and activities helped me to stay organised. I could see everything I needed to do. I think it also makes a good impression when you're talking to people and you pull out a planner. — Samantha

Be realistic about your future decisions. If you want to head to a top college, you need to start thinking and working for that immediately. And while that includes getting good grades, it's not just about grades. You also have to take leadership positions because at last, that's what makes you stand out. — Alondra

Work hard

When I was in junior high, a friend from senior high school told me I must concentrate on study and work hard from the minute I entered senior high..So many of my friends fell behind the first year because it was so different from junior high school. But I was ready because I got that advice, and I worked hard from day one. So listen to me, and you'll be all set. — Edi

Be present

My advice for newcomers is to be present and live in the moment. Before you know it, high school's over, and you can't go back. There are no do-overs.. — Riad

A. Keep it real

B. I listened to his advice

C. Get out of your comfort zone

D. Here is some of the great advice they shared

E. I would have never made it through high school

F. Live during your high school years so you have no regrets

G. Join clubs in which you have shared values with other students
