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阅读短文, 根据短文内容,从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D、E、F、G 七个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能选一次,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Can't Resist Junk Food? Study Suggests You Try This Simple Trick

You're tired and hungry. Then you catch a whiff of something delicious, probably fried and almost certainly fattening. It is fried chicken!A new research says that exposing to the smell of junk food for at least two minutes can actually help you make healthier food choices.

Let's take a closer look at this process. Have you ever noticed that whatever appetizing treat catches your nose's attention tends to be most appealing just after you first smell it? What will happen if you're standing in line after a couple of minutes?And recent science says that this is actually the right moment to walk away.

The results of a series of experiments, including field studies at a supermarket and at a middle school cafeteria, show that extended exposure (of more than two minutes) to junk food smell (e. g,cookie smell) leads to lower purchases of unhealthy foods compared with healthy smell (e.g.strawberry smell).That is why long exposure to junk food smell can be as satisfactory as actually having it in your mouth, which in turn decreases the desire for consumption of junk food.

When the exposure to smell of healthy food were examined, food choices were not profoundly influenced. The reason for this is that healthy food are not connected with reward in our brain and therefore have little influence on what we desire.

So next time you're feeling you don't have the will power to resist that French fries, it might be as simple as sitting there and smelling all that sweetness for just a minute or two.

A. But wait a minute before you order.

B. It's a response that has been researched.

C Get the satisfaction with none of the calories.

D. It isn't quite as irresistible as it was just moments ago.

E. However, it's not the same case with smell of healthy food.

F. It's the same as actually eating it because your desire to eat it is satisfied.

G. The brain doesn't necessarily distinguish between a pleasurable smell or taste.
