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We clearly live in an era with little patience. Entire TV series are available at once on streaming services, and burning questions are solved in seconds via a search engine. This instant satisfaction, undoubtedly, is killing our ability to wait. . Here are some strategies to pick up that magic mix if you weren't born with it.

● Visualize success

There's no need to set a real situation where you wait in a super long grocery checkout line to test yourself. Simply visualizing it helps a lot. See yourself smiling and breathing as you wait for the line to move. . For example, you could say, "it's not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting". Your mind will start to process the picture as a real experience and help to set you up for future successes.

● Slow down

Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want. . Most adults do not feel happy when they're rushing, and children are even less capable of doing it with a good attitude. Instead of sweating through your routine, turn on some background music you like and move at a normal pace.

The ability to let your mind wander, whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination, is a skill that improves patience. . Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy. This helps you build up your staying power, so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus on your task.

A. Learn to distract yourself

B. Add some positive words if possible

C. Therefore, we are getting more and more impatient

D. You don't have to get the whole paper clone in one go

E. We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode

F. But sometimes, a fast pace does improve our working efficiency

G. Thus, the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable




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