组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A baby bird lives in a nice nest. The baby bird loves his nest because it is very 1 in coldwinter. When the baby bird is hungry, his mother always comes with some nice2 and he likes it very much. Sohe is very happy every day.

But one day his mother doesn't come to the nest. He is very 3. He thinks he will die soon. He cries but no one 4 him. After two 5, his mother comes back 6  some nice food. The baby bird is so happy.

7 his mother puts the food at a very highplace and the 8bird can't get it. He cries out, "Mum, 9do you do this to me? I am10, but I can't eat any food. Don't you know I will die?

"Here is the 11 meal I give you. Come and get 12 by yourself, " his mother says. The baby bird wants to fly but he can't. He falls down again and again. The baby bird works very hard. He tries again.

13, he can fly to mother and get his 14.

"You are 15! You can make it!" his mother says happily.
